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Pope’s Prayer Intentions, May 2010

May 1, 2010

Blessed May!

(Month of the Blessed Virgin)

Here are Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for this month:
MAY 2010
Human Trafficking
General: That the shameful and monstrous commerce in human beings, which
sadly involves millions of women and children, may be ended.

Priests, Religious and Committed Lay People
Missionary: That ordained ministers, religious women and men, and lay people
involved in apostolic work may understand how to infuse missionary
enthusiasm into the communities entrusted to their care.

God bless your prayer!


2009-2010: The Year of the Priest

“Laid hold of by Christ” (Philippians 3:12)
unto the complete abandonment of one’s entire self to Him,
the priest takes on a closer likeness to Christ,
even in the love with which the eternal Priest has loved the Church His Body
and offered Himself entirely for her sake,
in order to make her a glorious, holy and immaculate Spouse
(Ephesians 5:25-27).
-Pope Paul VI

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